باعتبارها واحدة من المعدات اللوجستية والنقل الرئيسية للمؤسسات ، تلعب الرافعة الشوكية الديزل 3 طن دورًا متزايد الأهمية في روابط نقل المواد لعملنا وحياتنا. لكن كم من الناس يعرفون عن مركبات الاحتراق الداخلي؟ ما مدى معرفتك بمزايا وعيوب الرافعات الشوكية ذات الاحتراق الداخلي.
HIFOUNEرقم الصنف.:
FG50أصل المنتج:
Xiamen, Chinaاللون:
White, Orange, Redميناء الشحن:
Xiamen Portالمهلة:
15 Daysباعتبارها واحدة من المعدات اللوجستية والنقل الرئيسية للمؤسسات ، تلعب الرافعة الشوكية الديزل 3 طن دورًا متزايد الأهمية في روابط نقل المواد لعملنا وحياتنا. لكن كم من الناس يعرفون عن مركبات الاحتراق الداخلي؟ ما مدى معرفتك بمزايا وعيوب الرافعات الشوكية موازنة شاحنة الاحتراق الداخلي؟ شركة Hifoune Machinery Co.، Ltd. ستقدم لك مزايا وعيوب شاحنة الرافعة الشوكية من نيسان الصينية.
The radiator system of the internal combustion forklift has a radiator and a guard. The radiator is also called a water tank and consists of three parts: a water supply room, a water outlet room, and a heat dissipation core. The cooling liquid flows in the radiator core, and the air passes through the radiator core, so that the cooling water transfers the heat absorbed from the internal combustion engine to the outside air, which can reduce the temperature of the cooling water for recirculation. The function of the hood is to improve the efficiency of the fan by letting all the air sucked in by the fan pass through the radiator. Internal combustion forklifts are generally powered by diesel, gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas or natural gas engines, with a load capacity of 1.2 to 8.0 tons, and a working channel width of 3.5 to 5.0 meters. Considering exhaust gas and noise, they are usually used outdoors, factories or other Exhaust gas and noise can work continuously for a long time due to easy fuel supply, and can also work in harsh environments such as rainy days. When the pump is not working properly or the center distance between the driving wheel and the driven wheel of the fan pulley is incorrect, the belt becomes loose and slips, the speed of the driven wheel decreases, the pump speed decreases, the pump flow decreases, or the pipeline between the cylinder liners of the internal combustion engine is blocked or The thermostat malfunctions, the water circulation of the entire system is suspended, etc.; these factors will cause the internal water temperature of the internal combustion engine to rise sharply, causing the cooling system to overheat. In addition, the internal combustion engine may cause the cooling system to overheat due to other malfunctions such as incorrect ignition timing.
Warehouse forklifts are mainly designed for cargo handling in warehouses. Manual pallet forklifts are driven by humans, but all others are driven by electric motors. Because of their compact body, flexible movement, light weight, and good environmental performance, they are widely used in the energy storage industry.السابق :
الصين رافعة شوكية بنزين Lpg 3Ton 4Ton كوماتسو نيسان محرك رافعة شوكيةالتالى :
رافعة شوكية Hifoune 2ton 3ton 4ton Kubota Nissan K25 Engine Lpg رافعة شوكيةإذا أنت مهتم بمنتجاتنا وترغب في معرفة المزيد من التفاصيل ، يرجى ترك رسالة هنا ، وسنقوم بالرد عليك في أقرب وقت ممكن